
The Girls Room: chinoiserie

Remember when I said I was all about pale pastels right now?  Well lavender and lilac are blooming in my brain as I design what will now be the girls' room.  Maggie's room had been layered in shades of pink, which I loved, but with our newest peanut on the way, I want a softer, more fanciful look for the room that they will share. This room will be a place where the girls can escape from the world, where they can dream, play and create.  I imagine flowering vines and tree limbs from the garden outside the window coming inside and growing around them. I hear birds singing and frolicking among the foliage.  I see the beauty of nature and the magic of my children's imaginations commingling in space.

I must admit, I have a vision in my head.  It is from Alfonzo Cuaron's adaptation of "Great Expectations":  the ballroom of Paridiso Purdito, Miss Dinsmoor's (read Miss Havesham's) ornate family home that has fallen to ruin and been overtaken by the wild gardens that surround it.


Now, let us not read to much into the metaphor of the house in ruin and the human soul, that is far too deep and dark for this discussion, but instead focus on the image of nature coming into and being part of a home.   Let us focus on the fascinating and fantastical world that  feels both so tangible and ethereal.

To try to create this feeling,  I want a hand painted chinoiserie on the walls.   I sketched up my initial concept and my decorative painter will take it from here.


A little more innocent and light-hearted than the old mansion, but you get the point.

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