
Happy Holidays!

My heart is warm and content as we hunker down to ring in the new year.  I can't help but reflect on what a fantastic year it has been!   I have worked with wonderful clients, and I must thank them from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to work on and in their homes. Each year brings new experiences, challenges, and growth.  So, as we turn the page on the calendar, I am incredibly excited to share with you some AMD news:  we are bringing on TWO new additions to the team.   First, Jenna Chasse will be joining the team full time in the new year as our Production Manager!  Many of you already know Jenna and what great work she does, so I feel very lucky to have her full-time in the new year. And second, in June a special new employee/peanut will be arriving via stork.

I hope each of you take this time to enjoy your family, friends, and all those important to you this Holiday season.  Cheers to a fabulous 2012 and to the promise of 2013!

Inspired ByAmy Meier