
Homegrown Inspiration: Rancho Santa Fe

This past weekend we took a family walk around our neighborhood in Rancho Santa Fe.  We made a point to get off our usual routes and explore some of the nooks and crannies we had never seen before. In the design world, we talk a lot about how travel and shopping can rejuvenate one’s eye.  That’s certainly true for me; a trip to a new country can result in a flood of creative ideas.  But I sometimes forget to turn a sharp eye on my immediate surroundings.  Our walk reminded me of the beauty that surrounds my everyday life.  Here are a few pictures I captured on my iphone.

Rancho Santa Fe has quite a bit of history (by Californian standards at least).  In 1906, the Santa Fe Railroad began seeding the area with eucalyptus imported from Australia, hoping to harvest the trees for use as railroad ties.  Though the eucalyptus wood proved too dense for use by the railway, the trees, as well as many other non-native forms of vegetation remained and flourished in the area.  The rich fauna drew great interest, and in 1920 the planning of a residential community began.  Today, the houses sit on large parcels of land, and much of the architecture speaks to the area's turn-of-the-century, spanish-american and equestrian roots.

There is something about the patchwork of white fences and horse stables giving way to sweeping views of the canyons that catches my breath.

Inspiration often has more to do with our willingness to see it than our surroundings. If international adventure isn’t on your horizon, you just might find a walk will do the trick!

Oh, and I have created an Amy Meier Design Facebook page.  Please join me here to see my daily adventures as a designer.

Random MusingsAmy Meier